Saturday, May 30, 2009


Dunno if I am relieved that there are no releasing now or sad! Some of the movies are made just to make you understand the exact meaning of torture, and I usually land up watching such movies itself!! Atleast english movies promise you just 1-2 hours of entertainment but apna hindi movies..seem never ending....
When the movie makes sense but slowly you realize your mistake....I really don't understand why every damn movies needs soo many songs...thank god..himesh has stopped singing for a while!!( There was a time that every radio station played his songs...there was no escape only) if not the songs, the story line-the same person dies ...comes back.., he has 2-3 wives..but hes never caught etc and the worst are when english movies are copied into bollywood style...but in mumbai if you release any movie..poeple will go for it , lovers rush in the theatre to catch the "Corner Seats" since they cant make out in public places ,and also they dont want anyone to see...but in a theatre people still have the beauty of vision, and can see and also feel the vibrations of the seat next to you! Some people are so excited to see their fav star they start cheering and singing ( u cant even sleep in peace then!)

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